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This is a very long text that can be used in the announcement bar This is a very long text that can be used in the announcement bar
Asia | 1 minute read
Qianbei Afforestation
Enhancing biodiversity by planting native trees.
The project is located in the Guizhou Province of China and 47k hectares of forest will be grown as a result of the afforestation
This project improves carbon sequestration and enhances biodiversity on degraded lands by planting native trees with long maturities –firs, cypresses and pines
Logging is prohibited in the area
It is expected to remove an average of 731,897t CO2e annually over its lifetime, just over 21 million tonnes in total
The project also protects the globally endangered species, the Francois’ Leaf Monkey
The project has created over 16,000 jobs for local villagers, of which 70% are held by women, increasing their local villager’s income and wellbeing
Verra and CCB certification
Project Lifetime: 30 years
Project status: The project has been operational since 2016 and has successfully issued credits until the end of 2018.
The following Sustainable Development Goals are being pursued with this project: