Delivering what really matters: Efficiency

Our clients tell us that there is an authenticity about Direct ATPI which promotes engagement and collaboration; the open door policy to our senior management team makes clients feel valued; add in our intuitive, proven and integrated technology solutions, and it is perhaps easy to see why we have a near-perfect client retention rate of 99% over the last ten years. Stats like these don’t come about by delivering the norm…instead we deliver what really matters.
Last month we sat down with key stakeholders across the business to find out what Travel Managers really care about in 2022 now that normality has resumed.
The following interview was conducted with our Global Head of Operations, John Nixon.
What currently matters in the world of travel regarding efficiency?
For a customer it is a balance between the traditional service via telephone or email whilst using the best technology, allowing travellers to book to travel policy & having visibility to the right content. The needs of a TMC are not much different – it is about effective communication channels with customers, right technology & full content.
Get this right and you have a winning formula. The less time a traveller spends on the booking process makes them more productive in their own organisation.
What currently matters to travel managers regarding efficiency?
There is a variety of things on a travel manager’s mind regarding efficiency. Clear communication channels, the right technology, duty of care, sustainability and making the end to end booking process as easy as possible to name a few. All work in tandem to make travel manager’s jobs as easy as possible, allowing them to have a stress-free experience.
What currently matters to travellers regarding efficiency?
Simple – it is time. Travel should be a simple process. Offline or online it is giving the traveller options based on travel policy, guidance in the complex world of regulations, timely delivery of documentation and being there to support as needed. The only thing travellers should have to worry about is what to pack!
What are your personal thoughts on efficiency in the world of travel?
Technology and the multi channel communication will play an important part. Travellers want to do more on the move and new areas such as Chat & WhatsApp will help with that.
Some of the emerging technology will be amazing and improve both efficiency & the experience for travellers but people will still remain a core part of the service. People will always want to talk to people and that’s something ATPI pride themselves on, our personal approach.
How have ATPI combatted problems travel managers may have surrounding efficiency?
Continuing to adapt our service in this ever changing world, investing in our people & technology and anticipating, where possible, the future. Our recent launch of the chat facility on our website and our WhatsApp service are two key examples of where ATPI have delivered what really matters to our clients.
What are your predictions for the future regarding efficiency in the travel industry?
Currently, the industry is rebuilding and I would say we have actually taken step backwards. With the reduction in travel restrictions this will help, however, the goal will still be to speed up the booking process, knowing your traveller, having the right fares & content, the right technology, duty of care and sustainability. Getting all these key elements right will drive the efficiencies as it always has done.
And finally, what do you think will be the main topics of discussion in the industry in five years?
Two key themes spring to mind, content and sustainability. There will be more focus on carbon footprint rather than the core fare. Furthermore, a change in habits such as a move from air to rail where appropriate.