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Energy Travel | 2 minute read
ATPI now has access to the Delta Blue Carbon project for the marine industry
Working closely to Carbon Growth Partners, Respira, ATPI Halo are excited to announce that they now have access to an exemplary Blue Carbon Project, but what does this mean for ATPI Marine and Energy?
The maritime sector is increasingly turning its attention to environmental, social and corporate governance issues (ESG). With the decarbonisation of shipping at the top of the environmental sustainability agenda, many marine-based businesses are looking for an opportunity to maintain the ocean’s biodiversity whilst investing in clean energy projects.
The Delta Blue Carbon Project, located in the Sindh Province of Pakistan, covers over 350,000 hectares of tidal wetlands and has been operational for just over six years. The project has so far restored 73,000 hectares of degraded forests and tidal wetlands, with plans to expand across the 350,000-hectare region within the next decade. The venture will sequester an estimated 142 million tonnes of CO2 over the next 60 years, delivering significant benefits to the 49,000 local people who live within the project area.
While holding a large client base active in the Marine and Energy sector where crew travel is key to operational performance, ATPI Halo have worked closely with Respira to secure access to this fantastic project. With maritime clients savvy about the impact of their activities on marine life, having access to such an exemplary project allows clients to address responsibility for their Scope 3 emissions supporting a valuable cause. This allows teams to offset unavoidable emissions whilst improving nature diversity and supporting local communities across Pakistan’s Sindh Province.
ATPI Halo Product Director, Pippa Ganderton says: ‘We are proud to be able to offer access to this nature-based solution to our clients wanting to offset their unavoidable travel-related CO2 footprint. The fact that Delta Blue also offers a range of community livelihood improvements, as well as protection of a variety of endangered species makes it even more special, and aligns with a host of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.’